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Solución de telepresencia de Huawei para comandos de emergencia

La solución de telepresencia de Huawei para comandos de emergencia se integra digitalmente con los sistemas locales de monitoreo por video y cuenta con un distribuidor visual de comandos para coordinarse en forma remota con múltiples centros de comandos distantes. Esta solución cumple con las necesidades de gestión de emergencias de diversas industrias y escenarios de aplicación. Es una solución de comandos profesional e inteligente, que cuenta con video digital de alta definición. Además, refleja la tendencia de comandos remotos de los procesos actuales de respuesta ante emergencias, y es muy importante para la construcción de un sistema de emergencias sólido y eficiente.

1、Remote coordination with Multiple off-site command center, decision-making and command and visualization

2、The monitoring system is digitally and seamlessly integrated with the videoconferencing system, the video information to achieve access to a variety of ways

3、View and control real-time images, to improve the accuracy of decision making

4、Emergency management of multi-screen recording and playback, ease of case studies and lessons learned

5、Emergency command training session

6、Provide Industry-leading mature solution: real-time HD onsite images, lossless HD presentation of emergency-related video data, and real-time onsite environment reflection real-time communication on decision-making resources, and clear command issuing.

  • 24 x 7 stability that ensures the security and stability of emergency operations.
  • Strong visual command capability and high operability that meets monitoring system service requirements.
  • The monitoring system is digitally and seamlessly integrated with the videoconferencing system. Remote command and decision-making more timely and accurate.
  • Mobile emergency command vehicles equipped with uni-screen telepresence systems .Using these vehicles, leaders or decision-makers going to the site can quickly understand on-site conditions, and communicate with the command center in real time for efficient decision making.
  • Multi-level off-site visual remote and decision-making command center
  • The perfect integration of video conference and vedio monitoring
  • Remote IDB collaborative emergency rescue program
  • The vedio interactive with command center by using Teleprecence in emergency command vehicle
  • Emergency rescue reporting, drill and training
  • Product family
  • Mobile emergency command vehicle Command hall

  • Tri-screen telepresence system for remote executive decision making
  • Uni-screen telepresence system for executive decision making
  • Intelligent video monitoring media gateway

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