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  • Solución de seguridad de campus One Net

    Enterprise campus networks are facing increasing security issues in applications and services, such as malicious intrusions, Trojan horses, viruses, phishing, overuse of P2P applications, and threats from internal users. These issues impact…

  • Solución de seguridad de borde de la red One Net

    Protecting the Internet egress against security threats from the Internet, Protecting the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that is vulnerable to external attacks, Protecting the data center that carries critical service data for enterprises.

  • Solución de limpieza de tráfico One Net

    The modern world is witnessing exponential growth of network attacks. For example, in 2010 alone the rate of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) traffic attacks on bandwidth was 100 Gbit/s, a 1000% increase compared with that in 2005. Thes…

  • Solución de gestión de seguridad de terminales One Net

    According to the third-party agencies such as the Computer Security Institute (CSI), and International Data Corporation (IDC), most enterprise security incidents occur in the enterprise intranet. Security at the terminal of an intranet has …

  • Solución de seguridad de acceso remoto One Net

    La solución de VPN de Huawei adopta tecnologías de tunelización y cifrado para la construcción de redes privadas virtuales asociadas a Internet. Esta solución es rentable y ofrece una interconexión segura. Por lo tanto, es ampliamente acept…