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Solución de telepresencia de Huawei

En los mercados internacionales, los países centran sus procesos de internacionalización en el establecimiento de relaciones amigables y confiables, y en la obtención de ventajas bilaterales. La cooperación comercial que se desarrolla bajo circunstancias distintas y dentro de contextos culturales diferentes llevará inevitablemente a numerosas discrepancias, incluso conflictos. Las diferencias que surgen en la etapa de convergencia cultural no pueden minimizarse sin establecer comunicaciones cara a cara. Para facilitar este tipo de comunicaciones, los supervisores de las áreas involucradas viajan por todo el mundo y consumen una gran cantidad de tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero. Sin embargo, el nivel de eficacia que logran es pobre debido a la volatilidad de este tipo de comunicaciones. Para solucionar estos problemas, Huawei ha lanzado especialmente una solución de telepresencia que puede hacer que las personas de diversas regiones del mundo se comuniquen como si estuvieran en una misma sala de reuniones, cara a cara. Las tecnologías de telepresencia permiten obtener una imagen más nítida de los usuarios, mejorar la representación visual remota, compartir datos de forma más exhaustiva y acelerar las interacciones y los procesos de toma de decisiones. Todas estas características permiten disminuir la cantidad de viajes que se deben realizar y, a la vez, los gastos generados por tales viajes. También permiten acelerar el proceso de toma de decisiones comerciales, incrementar la productividad de los empleados y lograr que estos últimos consigan un equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida cotidiana.

Based on incomplete statistics, the current intelligent building multimedia solutions involve more than 20 subsystems, including:

  • More rapid interaction and decision-making
  • Reduce trips and expenses for enterprises
  • Feel as if people were in the same meeting room
  • HD video and presentations quanlity
  • Outstanding network adaptability
  • Ensure safety and reliability
  • Stable running
  • Easy to use

In consideration of improving video communication experience, reducing travel frequency and expenses, and fulfilling the requirement and responsibility for energy conversation and emission reduction, Huawei telepresence solution is designed to build the effective and high-experience telepresence network with users across regions and countries. The configuration is recommended to be as follows:

Telepresence system: The HQ (ministries and provincial HQ) as well as subordinate branches or Rep offices are recommended to equip with Huawei telepresence system. The system uses leading technologies in the industry, such as 48:9 video collection and 1080p life-size and ultimate HD. The system also offers unique features such as telepresence of life-size images with six seats, comprehensive voice/image apposition, and unified and visual touch control.

Multipoint Control Unit (MCU): The HQ (ministries and provincial HQs) are recommended to configure the capacity of their MCUs (up to 1024 sites with a single unit) based on the size of their subordinate organizations. Additionally they are recommended to back up their MCUs in a "1 + 1" mode. Subordinate branches or Rep offices configure small and medium-sized MCUs. HQ MCUs and branch MCUs are cascaded through the IP, E1, or 4E1 network. 

Business management system: Multiple features, such as network resources incluing MCU,recording server management, meeting venue monitoring, and fault diagnosis, can be enabled through the business management unit.

Strengths and Features :

Lowest Bandwidth: As the cost of broadband is very expensive, under the same video quality our products can lower 50% broadband usage which reduce OPEX.
Extreme HD: Our Telepresence can support upto 60 frames per second. It significantly improves the video quality.

Open and Integrate:Open standard and convergence allows collaboration between H.323, H.320 and SIP protocol.On top of that, only our products can fully integrate into IMS platform.
Professional Customization: Professional customization allows us to fulfill customer’s demands. Eventually, there is an on-going project which turns our 3 screens TelePresence into 6 screens. It helps our customer to achieve and view 6 different locations at 1:1 ratio.

Huawei telepresence solutions provide customers with tremendous values, by improving their communication and operation efficiency, saving travel costs, and helping fulfill their socical responsibilities.

  • Telepresence Series:uni-screen、tw-screen、tri-screen
  • HD and SD Video Terminal 、HD Desktop Video Terminal
  • Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) Series
  • Recording Server

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