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Solución de Huawei para centros de datos en nube

El efecto multiplicador de los datos de Internet, las tendencias de transformación de informatización de las empresas y el servicio "triple-play" han creado significativos desafíos para los centros de datos tradicionales: cómo disminuir los costos de operación y mantenimiento, y cómo satisfacer la demanda de alta capacidad, seguridad y eficacia. Gracias a la disponibilidad de sus recursos, y la flexibilidad y el dinamismo de su estructura, la computación en nube es la tecnología adecuada para resolver todos estos problemas. La mejora continua de tecnologías tales como la virtualización, la informática elástica, la informática de alta densidad, etc., que ha sido posible gracias a muchos años de experiencia en la operación y el mantenimiento de centros de datos, ha permitido que Huawei desarrolle creativos centros de datos modulares con computación en nube que se caracterizan por ser soluciones de extremo a extremo confiables, eficientes, inteligentes, ecológicas y con ancho de banda ultraelevado.

Why Cloud DC

The multiplier effect of Internet data, trends of enterprises informatization transformation and triple-play bring forth traditional DC huge challenges: how to reduce operation and maintenance cost, how to meet demand of high capacity, high security and high efficiency. Attributing to resource on-demand, flexible and dynamic structure, cloud computing is the right technology to resolve all these issues. By continuously improving core technologies including virtualization, elastic computing and high-density computing etc, based on many years experience of operating and maintaining DC, Huawei have creatively developed Modular cloud computing DC of trusty, efficient, smart, ultra-bandwidth and green end to end solution.

Huawei Cloud DC Solutions

With advantages of convergent operation management of cloud and non-cloud, E2E professional service, Huawei cloud DC solutions will deploy DC of solid security, high performance, smartness, ultra bandwidth, and low carbon for customers.

Trusty —— Virtual-firewall, 0 leak

Whole security monitoring and control system make sure secure operation, with V-firewall and security service combo for customers.

Efficient —— V-resources, flexible allocation of resource

Server, storage and network virtualizations enable resource flexible allocation and construct resource sharing platform. Resource utilization rate rises up from 20% to 60%, service time to market declines by 80%.

Smart —— Unified operation

Convergent O&M for cloud and non-cloud Infrastructure improves operation efficiency and saves maintenance cost.

Ultra Bandwidth —— T-bit switching

T-bit switching platform constructed by independent switching zone, turns out greater switching space by network virtualization, to hold immense data switching from and to internet.

Green —— High density, low energy consumption

Power usage effectiveness (PUE) of high density and modular DC down to 1.2, dynamic expansion of modular DC will ensure business sustainable development.

Values to customers

Picture 1: Cloud Data Center Solution Architecture

  • IT resource utilization rate enhanced
  • Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE for short) reduced
  • Application online time shortened
  • Power per rack boosted

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