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SmartAX MA5620/MA5626

El SmartAX MA5620 (MA5620 en modo abreviado) y el SmartAX MA5626 (MA5626 de forma abreviada) son unidades remotas multiusuarios (MDU) líderes en la industria lanzadas por Huawei, que ofrecen servicios de banda ancha y servicios de voz sobre IP en la red de fibra hasta el edificio (FTTB) para usuarios particulares y para pequeñas y medianas empresas. El MA5620 y el MA5626 son dispositivos tipo caja. Cada uno de ellos dispone de dos puertos uplink GPON o GE y soporta acceso LAN de 8, 16 o 24 canales (LAN:POTS = 1:1). Cuentan con un amplio rango de temperaturas, bajo consumo de energía, son silenciosos, tienen gran estabilidad, son ecológicos y preservan la energía. Además, pueden usarse en mesas de trabajo e instalarse en pasillos y gabinetes, lo que facilita su instalación y mantenimiento.

SmartAX MA5620/MA5626

  • SmartAX MA5620/MA5626
  • Automatic adaptation to GPON and GE modes: Each of them provides two uplink ports using the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) optical modules to meet different site requirements.
  • Rich specifications: They fully meet requirements for pure LAN access service or voice service on an FTTB network, inherits traditional voice services, and supports migration of narrowband users.
  • Plug-and-play (PnP) service provisioning: They allow remote issuing of configuration. A management channel and service channel are created after each of them is powered on and registerssuccessfully. Manual onsite configuration is not required.
  • Strong QoS capability: Support bandwidth management based DBA, flexible service mapping and accurate service management base the flow. The strong quality of service (QoS) capability provides the user difference service experience.
  • High performance IPTV services management: Strong service switching capability, packet forwarding capability, and high integration (data exchange and user management) enable them to have carrier-class multicast operation capability.
  • Perfect voice features, supporting basic services (voice service, fax service, and modem service) and supplementary services (threeway calling, call waiting, call transfer, calling line identification presentation, and calling number restriction).
  • Efficient management and maintenance: free of field software commissioning, remote acceptance, remote upgrade and patch installation, and remote fault location.
  • Environment-friendly and energy conservation: Each of them uses a highly effective power supply system to reduce system power consumption. Each of them uses passive cooling without any fans to reduce device power consumption. Each of them uses POTS short-loop design to reduce port power consumption in short distances.

  MA5620 MA5626
Dimensions (H×W×D) 43.6 mm × 442 mm × 220 mm 43.6 mm × 442 mm × 220 mm (24 × FE and 16 × FE)
43.6 mm × 250 mm × 220 mm (8 × FE)
Network-side port Each of them provides two uplink ports that use the SFP optical modules and automatically adapt to GPON and GE modes. The two uplink ports can be configured as follows:
• 2 × GPON
• 2 × GE (optical)
• 1 × GE (optical) + 1×GPON
User-side port • 24 × FE + 24 × POTS
• 16 × FE + 16 × POTS
• 8 × FE + 8 × POTS
• 24 × FE
• 16 × FE
• 8 × FE
Operating temperature -40℃ to +55℃; startup at -25℃
Humidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing)
Heat Dissipation mode Not providing fans; passive cooling
Lightning Protection capability LAN:6 KV;POTS:4 KV
Power supply AC: 220 V/110 V
Weight 24 ports: 2.3 kg
16 ports: 2.29 kg
8 ports: 2.28 kg
24 ports: 1.92 kg
16 ports: 1.91 kg
8 ports: 1.15 kg

The MA5620 and MA5626 are used on an FTTB network and are installed in a network cabinet in a corridor. They connect to the optical line terminal (OLT) through GPON uplink ports and connect to PCs by using category-5 cables to provide high-bandwidth broadband, voice, and video services and connect to telephones by using twisted pairs to provide plain old telephone service (POTS) services.

SmartAX MA5620 MA5626
GPON ITU G.984-compliance
32 T-CONTs
1000 GEM ports
Broadband 4096 VLANs, supporting QinQ and stacking VLANs
4096 MAC addresses, supporting VMAC
802.1p, supporting PQ and WRR flow control, and ACL
Voice SIP and H.248
POTS short-loop design
Multicast IGMPv2 and IGMPv3
IGMP proxy and IGMP snooping
A maximum of 1024 configurable multicast programs in the system
A maximum of 48 multicast users
A maximum of 16 concurrent multicast programs for each user
Security PPPoE+ and DHCP option82
Static and dynamic MAC address binding
Anti-MAC and anti-IP spoofing; source MAC address and IP address filtering
Anti-DoS attack and firewall
SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3
Telnet and SSHv2
Remote and batch pre-deployment
Remote upgrade and monitoring