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U2000 Solution to the Access Domain — Service-Oriented, Professional O&M

The U2000 supports the management of broadband access, integrated access, and FTTx access networks. Therefore, it can manage digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAMs) for broadband access, multi-service access nodes (MSANs) for integrated access, and gigabit-capable passive optical network (GPON) or Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) devices for FTTx access, and EOC devices.
The U2000 also supports the easy to enjoy (E2E) FTTx operation and maintenance (O&M) solution.
In addition, the U2000 extends its access management range to the home network and supports the TR069 protocol. Therefore, it can manage various types of user terminals in a centralized manner.

Two Highs and Four Easies (O&M Values)

High Performance

The U2000 has the greatest capability in the industry. It can manage up to 5,000,000 subscriber lines and 300,000 optical network units (ONUs), and can be connected to 100 clients at the same time.

High Reliability

The flexible database backup and restoration policy ensures the data security.
The allocation of management and operation rights ensures the operation security.
The high availability (HA) system that supports remote disaster recovery and security immunity ensures the system reliability.
System monitoring and alarm threshold setting help to monitor the system status, eliminate potential threats from the system, and enhance software reliability.

Easy Deployment

The deployment efficiency is improved by 60 times because of the following features:
Configuration of offline devices in batches
Plug and play feature of ONUs
Free of field software commissioning
Remote acceptance
Remote software loading
Once on-site mode

Easy Provisioning

The U2000 is expert at integrating with operation support systems (OSSs). It supports 5 standard northbound interfaces (TL1, XML, SNMP, FTP, and CORBA). In addition, rich interconnection experience and quick OSS integration accelerate the launch of new services.

Easy Operation

Operation and maintenance scenarios can be customized, and Web-based clients are provided.
The management is device-oriented. The status of ports is visible and the information about devices is displayed directly through the navigation tree for NE management.
Topology discovery and client upgrade are performed automatically, and scheduled tasks are performed with high efficiency in batches.
The global profile is configured once but can be issued to network wide devices.
The statistics report of network wide resources is exported easily.