Servidor de enrutamiento de contactos
La plataforma de enrutamiento inteligente es el componente principal de la solución de centro de contactos de Huawei. Soporta el enrutamiento unificado de canales multimedia. Los usuarios pueden utilizar llamadas de voz, video llamadas, e-mail, sitios web, faxes y redes sociales para conectarse con el centro de contacto. Los clientes pueden utilizar los servicios del centro de contacto en todo momento y lugar a través de cualquier terminal. La plataforma de enrutamiento inteligente ofrece múltiples interfaces de desarrollo. Las empresas pueden integrar el centro de contacto con su base de datos, CRM u otras aplicaciones.
Multimedia connection and uniform routing
- Intelligent routing platform supports multimedia channels connection. It is a multimedia contact center, not only a voice contact center.
- System supports uniform routing feature. Agent can have multiple media ability. System can choose suitable agent based on strategy. Supervisor does not need to adjust agent skill based on call traffic. This can increase operation efficiency and agent usability.
Flexible routing and queue
- Supervisor can customize routing script which can provide flexible routing strategy. Incoming calls in work time can be transferred to agent; incoming calls in holiday time can be transferred to IVR which can ask customer to leave voice mail. Routing script also can inquire customer level from DB or CRM system, VIP customer can be served by VIP agent, common customer should have IVR service firstly. This can ensure that expansive agent resource should serve VIP customer firstly.
- When customer is waiting in the queue, system can play welcome message, estimated waiting time, queue position, etc. Customer will acquire better service experience.
Hosting Contact Center
- Administrator can create several logical contact centers on one physical contact center. System can assign suitable resource (agent, IVR) to each virtual contact center. So each contact center will have independent access number, independent agent, independent IVR and independent management system.
- Enterprise just needs to rent a virtual contact center. They do not need to buy a contact center and operate this contact center. So the CAPEX will be very low.
Multi-sites contact center
- Independent contact centers in different sites are independent with each other. Incoming calls in each contact center only can be distributed in this contact center; other contact center resource cannot be shared by this contact center. If one contact center is busy, another contact center has many idle agents; idle agents cannot be shared.
- Using Huawei multi-site contact center feature, these independent contact centers can be load balance with each other. Resource can be distributed uniformly.
Open platform
- Multiple development interface for ISV. They can be used for 3rd party CRM and DB system integration.
- Provide TSAPI interface for 3rd party CTI system integration.
- Mainstream CRM system integration.
- Development document and technical support hotline.
Maximum capacity
Concurrent PSTN/VoIP calls
Number of concurrent Agents
Total number of Agents
Number of skill queues
Number of skills for an agent
Number of Supervisors
Number of Customer Levels
Number of Access codes
Maximum number of VDN/VCC
Maximum number of Network Contact Centers