To make convenient management, system integrates monitor and quality control functions. Supervisor can use one interface to finish monitor and quality control function, and they do not need to switch between 2 systems.
Virtual Contact Center Call Traffic Monitor
- Monitor real time VDN call traffic, call access ratio, and agent status. Supervisor can know the integral situation of this contact center.
- Supervisor can configure the monitor items and monitor mode (Histogram, Line chart, Pie chart, or table).
Skill queue monitor
Supervisor can monitor skill queue call traffic information, call access ratio information, agent status, etc. Supervisor can know each skill queue status and do adjustment based on system real time situation.
Agent monitor
- Using agent map, supervisor can see agent status (logout, idle, answer, talking, busy, rest) and agent statistic (log in times, log in duration time, inbound call times, inbound call duration time, outbound call times, outbound call duration time, rest times, rest duration times, etc)
- Supervisor can configure the background of agent map, and adjust agent location on the map. So the agent map can be accordance with the actual office place.
Alarm threshold
Supervisor can configure alarm threshold. Once system index has reached the threshold, system will create alarms and notify supervisor. So supervisor does not need to monitor system status always. They just need to configure the threshold and wait.
Conversation Record Function
- System can record voice call, video call, and agent screen.
- Huawei provides voice record solution. Huawei system also can be integrated with 3rd party IP Mirror Record system. System administrator can set multiple record policies (forcible record, record controlled by agent, random record, etc).
- For new agent or low ability agent, system can use forcible record, and then all the conversation handed by this agent will be recorded. For high ability agent, system can use “Record controlled by agent” policy, agent can decide which conversation should be recorded.
Real Rime Quality Control
- Supervisor can monitor, 3rd party conference, or interrupt agent conversation.
- Supervisor can set agent status as idle, busy, or release forcibly.
- Once supervisor finds some unusual things, supervisor can do appropriate actions.
- Real time quality control interface is same with agent map. So supervisor can do real time quality control actions while supervisor see agent map at the same time.
Post-Quality Control
- Huawei provides web quality control tool. Using this tool, Supervisor can search record and replay them. Supervisor can estimate agent’s performance.
- Supervisor can define Performance Estimation Template and quality control strategy. System will filter record items which comply with strategy.